Back to (Covid) Basics: January 2021 Online

Lockdown part 2, what an interesting time to run and be in a choir! This only proves all arts organizations’ resilience, hope, and desire to continually make and share music.

At this point, all our rehearsals must be held online. We are meeting at our regular Tuesday time over zoom, with notes from Jamie (our artistic director) on the pieces and their interpretation. Pianist backing tracks, performance notes, and other useful tidbits of information follow the rehearsals in an email summary to choristers.

As soon as we are able, following Public Health guidelines, local health measures and recommendations, and the go-ahead from our collaborative rehearsal space; St Joe’s Parish, we will return to small group rehearsals. As expected, we have no time frame a to if this will happen soon; or in the remainder of our season at all. Now with two digital concerts under our belt (the Coffeehouse digitally edited with individual chorister videos, and Musica Festum recorded live and shared at a later date), we have tools and options to provide captivating online music for our supporters. Our priority is to keep choristers, staff, volunteers, and our audience safe while continuing to make beautiful music to share with our audience and the community.

Please, for the sake of our community and that we may sing in front of you live again soon, remember to social distance, wash your hands, wear your mask, and be responsible in your gatherings. We sincerely hope to be together singing as a choir again soon, and with a live audience shortly after. Check back to the COVID-19 sidebar on for future updates.