Wrapping up the 2018-2019 Season…

It has been another amazing year of retreats, workshops, our own concerts and guest performances.  With our Spring concert and awards presentations May 3, 2019 we will be winding down from this year, but the work really does not stop there.

The concert and planning for our 2019-2020 season is already well underway and we have received many invitations for guest performances so it is going to be yet another challenging adventure. Who knows where you may find us so be sure to check back with us on a regular basis so we can share our plans with you.

If you would like to be on the ORYC Team for next year’s adventures there are many ways to be part of the group.

Of course we need enthusiastic and committed choristers so Auditions for choir members are running through the month of May.  With the age group, 15-25, of our musical members there is always comings and goings each season so there is always room for more.  If you know anyone or would like to join us we hope to hear from you.

Being  a choir member however is not the only way to be part of our community.  We can only support these young people with a strong and dedicated group of volunteers whether it be helping out on a general basis, as a member of the Board or working on specific activities or tasks throughout the year.  If you think that you may have some time or a particular expertise that you are willing to share or would like to know more about the options please feel that you can get in touch.  All are welcome. Visit our volunteer page to send us a note.

Join our Community! Share the Music!